Sunday, 12 December 2010

... exhausted

Today I feel exhausted. My head gymnastics are wearing me out so thought I would spend the day wearing myself out physically, becoming perfectly congruent inside and out somehow...
Domestic chores started early this morning, I seem to start one job and mid way through start on something else, forgetting what I was doing before so again start anew, so by the end of my self imposed finish "that's enough" point, it took ages to clear up all the chaos I'd caused during tidying. I then went to the gym. Sometimes it's a punishment, sometimes it's an achievement, sometimes it's just routine, but I need to go. I never look forward to going but am always glad when I've been. But, I've done too much. Exhausted. Worried that I've made things worse, as not sure I have the energy to deal with my head. But the weekend is nearly done, that's a positive. 

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